Friday, July 29, 2022

A Brief Look at Fiduciary Duty

 Kristin Hetzer is the principal of Royal Palms Capital, where she oversees and manages both individual and corporate pension plan investments. Her recently published book,,"Valle Egypt", Kristin Hetzer talks about the concept of fiduciary duty as it relates to financial elder abuse.

A fiduciary duty is an obligation imposed on another person by law, requiring them to act in the best interest of the person, who trusts and relies on them. The law specifies that for a person to act as a fiduciary, they must have agreed to act in trust and confidence on behalf of the dependent or principal. This duty involves avoiding situations that might result in a conflict of interest with the person on whose behalf they're acting.

Due to the agreement to take responsibility and act in the interest of another, fiduciary duty may apply to a guardian in a ward relationship or an attorney and client relationship. However, it may also extend to employer and employee relationships and family members who may be named as an estate trustee.. When a person breaches a fiduciary duty, they can be sued and be required to pay damages if found guilty. Although, the time and money involved in proving this in court is a consideration., The best policy is to understand the concept and work to avoid or prevent going through the ramifications of breach of fiduciary duty. The book, Valle Egypt, does a good job of explaining the problems which may occur when a fiduciary acts improperly.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Financial Elder Abuse Cases & Problems

A graduate of Hope College, Kristin Hetzer holds a bachelor of arts in biology and is the Principal of Royal Palms Capital LLC. Kristin Hetzer is also the author of Valle Egypt, a story of a family affected by financial elder abuse.

Financial elder abuse is a real problem and can happen to anyone as people start to decline with age and are easier to coerce and take advantage of. The elders that are the most at risk are those who are isolated or suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer's or dementia. Financial elder abuse occurs when a person steals something from an elder or coerces them into giving them something of value. This type of abuse can be done by anyone from family members, to friends, and even caregivers or lawyers.

There are many signs that can pinpoint financial elder abuse such as missing belongings, unusual money withdrawals, or changes in the will. This abuse specifically is harder to tackle and identify than typical elder abuse such as physical or emotional. Cases of financial elder abuse can be filed at adult protective services or financial institutions.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Egypt Explains Financial Elder Abuse

Since May 2005, Kristin Hetzer has served as a principal with Royal Palms Capital LLC in California. On December 16, 2020, Kristin Hetzer published Valle Egypt, a book informing readers about financial elder abuse. Valle Egypt uses multiple methods to convey its message, each serving its own purpose.

Valle Egypt does more than just summarize relevant laws regarding the oversight and management of an elderly person's finances. By using a case study, the book details elder abuse in a more digestible form that will almost certainly evoke an emotional response. Through telling the story of the financial decline of a family-owned farm over the course of 60 years, Valle Egypt explores how the family’s children, alongside one family member's lawyer, took financial advantage of the elderly member of their family. Then, to reinforce what readers learned via this anecdotal evidence, the book includes information about relevant topics like estate planning and trust formation.

Interested readers can purchase Valle Egypt in several formats. In addition to paperback and hardcover editions, readers can also buy a Kindle version.

Friday, October 29, 2021


A principal with Royal Palms Capital LLC for over 15 years, Kristin Hetzer assists clients in managing investment portfolios. To remain up to date in her field, Kristin Hetzer is a member of the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts (AAPTA). AAPTA provides resources for professional technicians to network with fellow members and grow in their careers, surrounded by the most experienced members of their industry.

Incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 2004, AAPTA offers in-person and online services for advisors, money managers, traders, and analysts. Members gain access to a restricted online forum, where they can share their expertise. Combined, members learn how to better collect and study data regarding market conditions. Their conferences, including the IFTA (International Federation of Technical Analysts) International Conference, serve as a more formal way for members to share ideas about global investing.

AAPTA uses a strict membership process to maintain a high bar of quality. After contacting the email address on the organization’s home page, a prospective member submits proof that they have worked in a profession using technical analysis for at least seven consecutive years. Then, two established AAPTA members must vouch for the applicant. After a 30-day review period, the total AAPTA membership body considers the candidate’s qualifications, and the membership committee uses this feedback to make its membership determination.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Skiing, health and fitness

Kristin Hetzer is the principal and senior portfolio manager at Royal Hills Capital, LLC, an investment firm in Rolling Hills Estates, California. She is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT), Certified Financial Planner (CFP), and Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA). Outside work, Kristin Hetzer enjoys skiing.

Many people ski for fun, but what they don’t know is that skiing provides a good cardiovascular workout that can help in losing weight. How many calories you lose while skiing depends on your weight and proficiency. According to Harvard Medical School research, a skier who is 185 pounds can burn 266 calories if they ski downhill for thirty minutes. If you’re an advanced skier, you’ll lose more calories when skiing on steeper slopes because your body works harder to keep you balanced. The cold temperature at skiing resorts also makes your body work harder to keep you warm, something that can also help you burn more calories.

Other health benefits of skiing are it gives you better flexibility, strengthens your lower body muscles, and boosts your mood.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Valle Egypt Aims to Create Awareness

Kristin Hetzer is the owner and principal of Royal Hills Capital, LLC, in Rolling Hills Estates, California. A graduate of Hope College in Michigan, Kristin Hetzer is also the author of the book Valle Egypt.

Released in December 2020, Valle Egypt delves deep into the rising problem of financial elder abuse. The 390-page book published by Covenant Books is divided into two parts. Part one of the book tells the true story of how one family member aided by a lawyer from a prestigious law firm perpetrated financial elder abuse. This act led to the loss of a sixty-year-old family farm after the death of both parents. Part two gives practical financial planning lessons that can help readers protect themselves or those they care about from persons who prey on assets owned by the elderly.

The author of Valle Egypt hopes their book will create greater awareness about financial elder abuse. They also hope that by reading the book students and professionals in the legal and financial industries can see how unethical professional behavior can inflict emotional pain on the elderly during the last years of their life, and on their families before and after they pass on.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Hiking in Palos Verdes Nature Preserve

A business owner located in Rolling Hills Estates, California, Kristin Hetzer serves as principal of Royal Palms Capital. Outside of the professional environment, Kristin Hetzer enjoys hiking.

Less than 10 minutes away from Rolling Hills Estates, the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve has more than 30 miles of trails that wind throughout its 1,400 acres of rolling hills, rock formations, and precipitous canyons. Visitors can hike to vantage points that offer panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean with Santa Catalina Island in the distance. The far northern point of the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve, Vista del Norte is roughly 1,300 feet above sea level.

In addition to enjoying Palos Verdes Nature Preserve’s fragrant desert shrubs and flowering plants, hikers can see a variety of wildlife, including the ecologically threatened California gnatcatcher and coastal cactus wren. In 2020, nature conservancy officials released captive-raised Palos Verdes blue butterflies into their historic breeding grounds within the preserve.